10 things I get asked every day

As a wedding photographer, I get asked a lot of questions, a lot of the time. I’ve put together a few of the most common ones in a bit of a FAQ style. Ok, so I might not get asked these things EVERY day, but it’s darn close!

1. What kind of camera do you use?

There are two answers to this! I currently use a couple of Canon systems. Really though, gear is soooo far down the list of what’s important. Canon, Nikon, Sony, Fuji, chances are you will never be able to tell the difference.


2. How do you get everyone to look so comfortable on camera?

The short answer to this is that we’re not “photographer and couple”...we’re just three people hanging out. We have a good laugh together while we get to know each other, and if you’re lucky, I might even pull out one of my favourite Dad jokes. (I can feel my wife cringing as I write this...she LOVESSS my Dad jokes).


3. How long till we get out photos back?

My normal turnaround time for a wedding is 8-12 weeks. While that does sound like a lot, keep in mind that I edit your photos to a lifetime standard. Nothing is rushed when it comes to preparing your photos. Taking the photos together is actually just the beginning. For a 10-hour wedding, I’ll spend up to 50-hours editing them. You’ll be looking at these photos for the rest of your lives, and that’s the standard I work to while editing.

4. Do you photoshop images?

What most people mean when they ask about photoshopping images is do I “alter” the images. While I spend a huge amount of time in Photoshop and Lightroom working on your images, I tend to avoid altering images. I believe in making you look your best the old fashioned way! That all being said, if you have a lil pimple buddy on the day or one cray cray hair that doesn’t want to stay put, I will generally clean them up. Body altering or anything like that though, I do not do.

5. Do you have preferred vendors you work with?

Yup, I do! I have a short list of everything and everyone from celebrants, florists, musicians, venues, and pretty much anything else you could think of for your wedding day! They’re a group of amazing people who I know from first hand experience add SO much for your day, and truly care about making it everything you could dream for and more. It’s so nice being surrounded by vendors who value your day as much as you do!


6. We’re not good on camera.. can you help us?

Believe it or not, about 9/10 of my couples make it a point to tell me that. I think I’ll be absolutely shocked if one day, a couple comes to me and says “just so you know, we’re badass on camera together. YOU’RE WELCOME” hahaha! The truth of it is, you’re not meant to be comfortable on camera straight off the bat! Getting your photos taken with your partner is a really unusual thing for a human to do, and your wedding or pre-wedding is probably the first time you’ll be doing the ol’ PDA thing in front of a camera. After a few minutes though, you’ll settle in and realise that as long as you’re just being you, it’s one of the easiest things in the world to do.

7. Dude, did you shave off your eyebrows?!

It’s true, I’m a brow-less bandit now! Haha. I actually developed something called Alopecia recently and all my hair went buh-bye! So while I’m not sporting the bald-as-a-babies-butt look by choice, I’m totally down with it now! Some have said that rubbing my bald head brings luck and prosperity, but that’s yet to be confirmed with any, you know, facts.


8. Do you know any good videographers?

Yes! In 2019, I rolled out videography services for my photography clients only. It’s super exciting for me and the biggest addition to the business since we started. Get in touch to learn more about it!

9. How far in advance should we book you?

This is actually a really good question, and one that applies to all vendors for your wedding. If you have a photographer, florist, celebrant, or any vendor that you LOVE, book them in ASAP. While some dates remain available up till a few months before, other popular dates can book out 12-18 months in advance. My advice is that if you have a vendor you absolutely want as part of your day, lock it in as early as possible. As I only accept 35 weddings per year, I find that I tend to book out roughly 6-months in advance.


10. Why’d you move back to Australia?

It’s true, I spent most of my adult life living in the U.S. I really enjoyed my 15 years there, but Australia has always and will always be home. My whole family is here, so it was always where I wanted to end up. I have to say, life has been AMAZING since I came back too, so it’s the best decision I’ve ever made. Yew!

Got a question I didn’t answer here, or just want to have a chat? Hit me up at info@russellstaffordphotography.com